More than just a platform

We are a community of passionate developers who are dedicated to building the best learning platform for everyone.

Our mission

Ideoxan is committed to a future where everyone can learn programming with ease. It is essential for tomorrow's workforce to be armed with the tools of today. Through free and educational activities, students can be the technology leaders and innovators they were meant to be.

A majority of the content provided by Ideoxan is free to use, edit, and redistribute. We made our website around this free-to-use and open source model to knock down the barriers present in other online courses. With free tools, everyone can be capable of discovering their love of computer science.

Meet the team


Project Director


Junior Full Stack Engineer


Community Engagement Coordinator


DevOps Engineer


Junior Full Stack Engineer


Research Engineer

Oppritunity at Ideoxan

Want to be a part of the future of computer science education? Ideoxan is an entirely remote project. We advocate for a balanced work environment, and we are always looking for talented people to join our team. We hire in 6-month intervals or as needed.

Ideoxan is also actively working with our community and industry partners to create an internship program for high school and university students in the US. These internships will provide real world experience and allow students to gain valuable skills and knowledge.

Beyond development

Ideoxan is invested in the future of web technologies and computer science as a whole. We have made strides in the advancement of these technologies through research, education, and industry partnerships.

We have developed complex systems that we rely on to help power our work. And, we are only getting started.

Current Developments

Our responsibility

In the modern age, technology is a necessity. In 2012, the United States Department of Education found that 16% of adults were digitally illiterate. This could mean that up to 41 million Americans do not know how to proficiently use some technological device. Ideoxan promotes the usage of our products and services to also provide digital literacy services.

Ideoxan focuses not only on our local community, but also the global community. Through open source and FOSS (free and open source software) initiatives, Ideoxan has thrived. We emphasize on giving back to the very same community by keeping our promise of relying on open source technologies, staying free, and offering scholarships for academic institutions interested in our educational platform.

We <3 open source

All courses curated by Ideoxan are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Courses can be viewed, modified, and re-distributed free of charge. The website, server, and editor are open source as well. All of our content is available on GitHub.

Ideoxan is community driven. Due to the open source model, new courses can be easily added to the catalogue. Ideoxan is backed by over a dozen contributors in the open source community. Courses are created by the community, for the community.

Get in touch

General Inquires

Have any questions or concerns? Get in touch with us. For the fastest response, join our Discord server and send us a message.

+1 (929) 262 1699

Mon - Fri, 9am to 5pm EST

Technical Support Line

Are you experiencing a technical problem with the website? Is something broken? Need help?

+1 (929) 262 1699

Mon - Fri, 9am to 5pm EST


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